Groupe allion

vission allion Wellness Tunisie


Our belief is that man is paradoxically the main lever and the main obstacle to the success of the company. This is why we place the human at the center of our actions. Our ambition is to be the reference in terms of developing human potential and well-being at work in Tunisia and Africa by 2023.

Nos atouts allion wellness Tunisie

Our strengths

Allion groupe iconA network team bringing together the best experts with a wide operational experience.
Allion groupe iconServices and tailor-made training for each mission.
Allion groupe iconConsultants who also know how to get involved in the implementation of their recommendations.
Allion groupe iconA high level of requirement.
Allion groupe iconA strong commitment to customer satisfaction.

Mission allion wellness Tunisie


Support our clients in the development and deployment of their HR strategy and strengthen their governance and managerial skills in an alliance model with the best experts for a long-term partnership.

Notre périmètre allion wellness Tunisie

Our scope

The group operates in all business sectors and various geographies

Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Lybie,

France, Belgique, Espagne, UAE (Dubai).

Based in Tunisia, we have partners on all different country

value allion wellness Tunisie

Agility : to continually adapt to changes in the environment and the needs of our customers.

Integrity : that sets us apart and guarantees the trust of our customers, partners and employees over the long term by focusing on respect, honesty, transparency and fairness.

Kindness : to humanize relationships and open hearts and minds to sharing and the desire to progress.

Sharing : in order to continually pool our experiences for a mutual enrichment of knowledge and practices in a collaborative spirit, of listening, generosity and openness.

Commitment : to give the best, share our passion and our positivity to best support our customers.


Allion Group presentation

Groupe allion

The ALLION Group currently includes two companies: ALLION and ALLION Wellness, and groups together several activities in particular:

Allion groupe iconConsulting
Allion groupe iconCoaching
Allion groupe iconTraining.
Allion groupe iconThe organization of seminars and events
Allion groupe iconSupport around well-being and energy efficiency in business and for individuals
Allion groupe
Log allion-wellness

Our References

Groupe allion

About Farah Meknini

Groupe allion

Farah Meknini is a Consultant and a Business Coach who works with CEOs, executives and managers to help them realize their full potential and improve their performance.  After spending more than two decades working in Consulting, Coaching and HR Management, Farah has accumulated a significant amount of experience through working on different types of projects with different multicultural contexts and in different sectors which comes in handy when assisting people and companies define and deploy HR policies, processes and projects (e.g. HRIS) and develop their teams’ managerial and communication skills.

Farah believes that Human Capital is the focal point of organizations and should be made a source of competitive advantage and wealth. Her mission is to help organizations design strategies, policies and processes to better reflect the importance of human capital.

She is the Founder of ALLION Consulting; specialized in consulting, coaching and training company as well as ALLION Wellness specialized in deployment of Wellness Programs.

Farah has worked at several national and international companies in France and Tunisia (i.e. Valoris Consulting, PriceWaterHouseCoopers, Discovery Informatique, Kilani Group, HR Access-Sopra, Alcatel Lucent and Air Liquide) where she held multiple positions ranging from Sales and Marketing Director, head of consulting activity to HR Director.  She is also active in several associations linked to civil society and entrepreuneurship and expert in wellbeing programs and improving work conditions.

She was awarded 1st ARFORGH Prize in HR (Tunisia 2013).

Farah is a certified Coach through ICI, International Coach Institute, ICF, International Coach Federation, ProcessCom Coach as well as SwissNova and Central Test Profiling. She is also a certified teacher in NLP, as well as Master coach in Hypnosys Ericksonian, EFT & TRE.

Member of teaching staff of HR Master at 9 avril university as well as Health MBA and International Management

Farah holds a Master Degree in Business Administration, Controlling and another one in Strategy & Organization development from Paris Dauphine University in France.

Experte Farah Meknini

Our Partners

Groupe allion