To be happy at work is to have the opportunity to find pleasure in our tasks and daily activities and to come to work. This is beneficial for the employee but also for the company that has less absenteeism and better performance
For this it is advisable to work on the sources of pleasure:
The quality of life at work encompasses many aspects of work life, which includes the work itself, its content, its organization, the social relations in which it is inserted, the meaning given to it. The term “quality of life at work” goes beyond the classic question of working conditions by proposing to reflect on the quality of work.
In practice, quality of life at work refers to actions that bring together both measures to improve the working conditions of employees and the overall performance of companies. It is part of the strategic objectives of the company and must be taken into account in its daily operation
There are six individual dimensions that are decisive for the quality of life at work:
During a technical or organizational transformation project; In response to dysfunctions or for a better consideration of the work in the daily management.
There are six individual dimensions that are decisive for the quality of life at work:
social and professional relations
work content
physical environment of work /span>
work organization achievement and professional development
Work-life balance
To be happy at work is to be able to find pleasure in our daily tasks and activities and in coming to work.
At the intersection between well-being, physical health, mental health and management, Quality of Life at work (QWL) requires a comprehensive approach to understand its issues at the heart of human concerns of the company. The QWL approach can be implemented in different contexts:
During a technical or organizational transformation project; In response to dysfunctions or for a better consideration of the work in the daily management.
More broadly and beyond the professional framework, the pleasure in what one does is part of a more global framework of relationship with oneself and with the others and in particular:
Pleasure of self-esteem through relationships with oneself and with others.
Pleasure of personal enrichment, creation and usefulness
This is why our lines of intervention are at several levels, individual or collective, professional or personal. The goal is always to bring about more fulfillment and harmony.
Wellness Diagnostic
Wellness Barometer
Wellness Strategy & QWL
Wellness program Deployment
Health & environnement policy
Internal RH policy
Change management & QWL
Wellness policy monitoring
QWL & social weather measurment
Satisfaction surveys
QWL measurement
Internal communication tools
Feng Shui, workspace layout
Meditation, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Yoga, Yoga du rire, Corporate Theater,
EFT, Hypnotherapy, PNL, Matrix reimpreinting, Access Bars
Food Advice
Postures at work
Stress and health chekcup